Certified experts
Our experts are the leaders in the field. The number of certifications they hold serves as evidence of their qualities and the ability to provide modern and reliable data infrastructure services around the world. Our company thus ranks among top tier groups in the global field with the largest number of employees certified by the Uptime Institute.
Our certifications
Development projects
Altron, a. s. has implemented or is currently implementing the following projects supported by the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness.
Innovative holistic approach to both IT and non-IT technology. This includes implementation of automatic control mechanisms and redefinition of the current processes of designing and operating data centers, using R&D results.
The project involves designing new, practical methods for developing reliable and secure monitoring systems that efficiently use the necessary communication sources, including the smart network system. The project practically applies concepts such as Smart Cities and Industry 4.0.
This is a pilot project for advanced management of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), in which four companies are involved. The result will be a prototype of an advanced WWTP management system deployed for both conventional and modern programmable logic controllers used in management systems.
The aim of the project is to verify the technical feasibility of an unmanned micro data center. The project will focus on the concept of configurable sets of ICT hardware, and will also address the issue of virtualization platforms for these sets of uses. By verifying the technical feasibility of an unmanned micro data center, ALTRON will strive for further innovation as well as build on previous successes with a separate micro data center.